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Nano-Micro Letters

发布日期: 2014-10-09 浏览数:3333
《Nano-Micro Letters》SCI期刊网站:www.nanomicrolett.com
        《Nano-Micro Letters》(纳微快报)是上海交通大学2009年创办的英文学术期刊。主要报道纳米/微米科技相关的高水平研究成果或评论性文章,尤其从纳米到微米的自下而上的高水平原创性科技成果。该刊主编为上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院张亚非教授,编委来自近40个国家或地区的纳米/微米科研领域的专家。由上海交通大学出版社和Springer以SpringerOpen开放存取模式共同出版,所有文章均可免费阅读或下载。2012年该刊被SCI,Scopus, DOAJ等著名数据库收录,2014公布的SCI影响因子为2.275,JCR材料学科类位于Q1区,中科院SCI期刊分区工程技术类位列2区。2014年该刊入选六部委(中国科协、国家广电总局、教育部、中科院、中国工程院、财政部)组织的“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”,在国内理工类期刊中影响因子位列前茅。该刊致力于搭建高端国际学术交流平台,引领相关学科发展,促进学术氛围,增强国内学者和科研人员在本领域的国际影响力。

Print ISSN 2311-6706, Online ISSN 2150-5551, CN 31-2103/TB







网址:www.springer.com/40820www.nanomicrolett.com (www.nmletters.org)

Nano-Micro Letters is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary and open-access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand that focus on science, experiments, engineering, technologies  and applications of nano- or microscale structure and system in physics, chemistry, biology, material science, pharmacy and their expanding interfaces with at least one dimension ranging from a few sub-nanometers to a few hundreds of micrometers. Especially, emphasize the bottom-up approach in the length scale from nano to micro since the key for nanotechnology to reach industrial applications is to assemble, to modify, and to control nanostructure in micro scale. It presents an attractive and comprehensive reviews, original articles on cutting-edge research and brief communications.  A rapid peer-reviewed process and open-access publication are offered.

Nano-Micro Letters publishes articles that focus on, but are not limited to, the following areas:

- Synthesis, characterization, manipulation of nanomaterials

- Quantum physics, nanoscale electrical transport

- Nanoscale modeling and simulations

- Microdevices based on nanomaterials or nanostructures


- Nanosensors, Nanoelectronics, Nanomagnetics

- Nano- or microfluids

- Nanobiology, biotechnology, bioengineering

- Nanomedicine

- Solar cell based on nanostructures and nanomaterials

- Applications related with nano- and micromaterials, devices and systems

About the Journal

Print ISSN 2311-6706, Online ISSN 2150-5551, CN 31-2103/TB

Quarterly publication, 4 issues per year

Indexed by: SCI, Scopus, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate, etc.

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yafei Zhang

Edited by: Editorial board of Nano-Micro Letters

Sponsor: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, People‘s Republic of China

Address: 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200204, People’s Republic of China

Tel: 86-21-34207624

Email: editor@nmletters.org

Homepage: www.springer.com/40820www.nanomicrolett.com (www.nmletters.org)